Our Everyday Special

Your Batteries Need to be Safe, Smart & Powered for Longer.
Your radio can only be as reliable as the battery that powers it. Make sure it’s proven tough.
Your radios work best when you replace your old batteries with new Motorola® Solutions brand batteries, including Impres™ technology smart batteries. Let us show you how Motorola® Solutions batteries are built tough, tested tough, and proven tough.
For optimum performance, we recommend that you replace your radio batteries every 18 months.
Our everyday special: purchase any 6 of the same Motorola® Solutions model batteries and receive 1 of the same model (any quantity) when you mention promo code MOTBAT2021 at the time of placing your call-in order.
ComtronICS Cobalt AV is your preferred Motorola® Solutions Two-Way Radio Partner!
For more information on this promotion or assistance with Motorola® radios, contact:
David Fried
PH: 859.299.9494 ext. 1 or TF: 1.800.264.6021, E: david.fried@comtronicsnow.com